lundi 14 novembre 2011

premier texte

Pour la postérité, ma fille a écrit ses premières lettres sur un clavier d'ordinateur. Je l'ai en effet souvent sur les genoux en papotant sur IRC et ce jour à 20:18 elle s'y est mise!
nnv    nx x x cx  xcv v        ,;ikj;,n    llllllllkkkkkknnkihnhh 
Bravo ma fille! Tu iras loin.

lundi 18 juillet 2011

git cheat sheet

This post is supposed to be a cheat sheet for git commands. Much like the previous mac port post (in french).

regrouping commits

# back to master & up-to-date:
git checkout master
git pull
# create a new clean branch
git checkout -b clean_new_feature
# merge in the branch with ton of commits
git merge messy_feature
# The clean_new_feature branch now has everything needed.
# Move its pointer back to the origin so our merge is considered
# a series of unstaged changes:
git reset origin/master
git status # review the differences :)
git add .
git add -u # you wants to send file deletions too
git commit

You now have all the commits regrouped in one new branch named 'clean_new_feature'. You can now request a pull&merge to upstream.

advancing remote branch

(master)$ git checkout -b localbranch nickname/master
Branch localbranch set up to track remote branch master from nickname.
Switched to a new branch 'localbranch'
(localbranch)$ git merge origin/master
Updating 1234567..9abcdef
X files changed, Y insertions(+), Z deletions(-)
(localbranch)$ git status
# On branch localbranch
# Your branch is ahead of 'nickname/master' by T commits.
nothing to commit (working directory clean)
(localbranch)$ git push
Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
   1234567..9abcdef  master -> master
(localbranch)$ git status
# On branch localbranch
nothing to commit (working directory clean)

pushing local branch to a remote branch

$ git push nickname localbranch:remotebranchname

This would push your local branch named 'localbranch' to the 'nickname' repository under the branch name 'remotebranchname'. Simple isn't it?